Interpretation of Grades

A+, A and A- grades are indicative of “excellent” performance overall by a student, earning grade points of 4.0, 3.75, and 3.50, respectively. B+,B and B-grades are indicative of “very good” performance overall by a student, earning grade points of 3.25, 3.00, and 2.75, respectively. C+, C and C- grades are indicative of “ good” performance overall by a student, earning grade points of2.50, and 2.25, respectively. A D grade is indicative of a minimally acceptable “passing” performance overall by a student, earning a grade point of 2.00. F grade is indicative of an unacceptable “failing” performance overall by a student, i.e., failure to earn any credit points. I grade is indicative of a situation where a student, for non-academic reasons beyond his control, is unable to complete the full requirements of the course for not being able to sit for the semester final examination.

With the submission of valid and authenticated evidence of such reasons and the recommendation of the course teacher (to be reported to the Chairperson of the examination committee), that particular student shall be allowed to complete the semester final examination with the new batch. Meanwhile, the student concerned will be promoted to the next semester. If an incomplete grade is not cleared with the new batch, the “I” grade automatically be changed to an “F” grade. A maximum of “I” grades shall be allowed to a student in one semester. W grade shall be awarded when a student is permitted to withdraw/drop a course/semester without penalty. Withdrawals without penalty are not permitted after the mid-semester examination. A student may take readmission in the semester concerned with the next batch by paying the fees for the whole year.


For promotion from first to the second semester, a student shall require to earn a minimum GPA (Semester GPA) of 2.00. A student failing to clear up the annual university or departmental dues of the year of study shall not be promoted to the next semester.


A student earning “F” grade in any course shall be allowed to improve the grade with the next batch. If a student obtains a grade lower then “B-”in a course, he/she shall be allowed to repeat the term final examination only once with the next batch for the purpose of grade improvement by forgoing his/her earlier term final marks. If a student obtains “B-”or better grade in any course, he/she shall not be allowed to repeat the course for the purpose of grade improvement. If a student likes to improve the grade point earned in a course of 8th semester for the BSS (Hons.) degree, he/she must apply for such improvement examination before the certificate is issued. Improvement shall not be allowed once the certificate is issued.

A student-carrying grade “F”in any course shall not be awarded the degree unless he/she improves it by appearing at the semester final examination with the next batch. If the student gets “F” grade in the improvement examination, he/she shall automatically be dropped from the semester and student shall have to take readmission with the next batch, provided the student concerned is eligible for readmission. For improvement of grade in a course, the student shall apply to the chairperson of the department at least 4(four) weeks before the start of the semester final examination. A student shall be allowed to improve the grade of a particular course only once. No improvement shall be allowed for the mid-semester examination, term papers/home assignments, and active participation in the discussion class/tutorial class/group presentation/class test marks and the grades earned in written and oral comprehensive examination.


A student (failing to get the requisite grade points for promotion from one semester to the next may seek readmission with the following batch. For readmission, a student shall have to apply within one month after the announcement of results of the concerned semester. On readmission, grades earned earlier by a student in the class of readmission shall cease to exist and the student has to retake all the course works and examinations. Readmission in a semester shall be allowed only once.


A student failing to earn the GPA for promotion from one semester to the next after taking readmission in any semester shall be dropped out of the program. A student earning F grade in any course after taking improvement examinations or readmission in any semester class shall be dropped out of the program. Registering Complaints about Marking, Grading and Related Issues In case, students have allegations about the course teacher's teaching, evaluation or grading, she/he can contact the appropriate authorities in the following order: The Chair of the Department in which the course is taught The Dean of the Faculty in which the course is taught Grievances should be recorded by a student within a week after the publication of the result.

Registering Complains about Marking, Grading, and Related Issues

Where students have concerns about the teachers teaching evaluation or grading, a provision shall be thereby which the student can make the concern known to the appropriate individuals in the following orders: The course teacher, the chair of the department in which the course is taught, The Dean of the faculty in which the course is taught Grievances should be recorded by a student within a week after the publication of the result.

Computation of Grade Point Average

A course in which a student has obtained 'D' or a higher grade shall be counted as credits earned by him/her. Any course in which a student has obtained 'F', I or 'W grade shall not be counted towards her/his earned credits. ‘F' grade will not be counted for GPA calculation, but will stay permanently on Grade Sheet and Transcript. .

Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction of the Undergraduate program in the Department of Criminology at the University of Dhaka is English.

Fees and Charges

In addition to the tuition fees and other fees payable to the university, the students may be required to pay fees that the department shall charge for its developmental activities. Students will be charged additional fees for the computer laboratory, departmental seminar library, as well as co-curricular activities.