Wall Magazine Competition on the Occasion of Dhaka University's Independence Day

Sept. 26 , 2023
Wall Magazine Competition on the Occasion of Dhaka University's Independence Day

In celebration of the grand Independence Day at Dhaka University, the Department of Criminology organized a Wall Magazine Competition. The event took place on a Thursday afternoon, and it was inaugurated by Dr. Jia Rahman, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University. The ceremony was chaired by Shaharia Afrin, the Chairperson of the Department, and was attended by various teachers, including Professor Rafiq Shahriar from the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies. The competition featured wall magazines that covered topics such as language movements, the War of Independence, the Liberation War, the 1971 genocide, Bangladesh, Bengali language, and culture. Approximately 22 teams, consisting of students from different academic years in the Criminology Department, participated in the competition. During the event, Professor Dr. Jia Rahman, as the chief guest, expressed his reverence for Bangabandhu and the four national leaders. He stated that he was deeply moved by the enthusiasm of the students in the Criminology Department and that he was optimistic that these students would contribute to realizing the dream of a golden Bengal envisioned by Bangabandhu. He appreciated the department for organizing such an event, which has awakened the consciousness inspired by the ideals of Bangabandhu and the Liberation War. Chairperson Shaharia Afrin thanked the students for their active participation, which she believed demonstrated a manifestation of the consciousness of the Liberation War. She mentioned that through this event, the external expression of the spirit of the Liberation War has occurred. She emphasized that the youth will lead the country forward and continue to shine in the future. She stated that this event has opened up opportunities for students to learn more about Bangabandhu, the Liberation War, and Bangladesh, enhancing their innovative capabilities. The exhibition will continue for the upcoming week.